I can almost feel your heartbeat
Everytime we touch
There can never be too much
I knew that I will love you
And you will love me too
From now untill forever
We are meant to be together
When you came and set me free
I was broken and lonely
Baby, when you came to me
Love was just a memory
Everytime we touch
I get this feeling
Can’t forget the sunset
Baby, when we first met
Flying in the red light
I loved you from the first sight
You were beautiful and wild
I was feeling like a child
From now untill forever
We are meant to be together
Everytime we touch
I get this feeling
When you came and set me free
I was broken and lonely
Baby, when you came to me
Love was just a memory
Just a memory"
Indiferent de motiv, o bucata buna de vreme am avut piesa pe repeat. I-am invatat vesurile, i-am creat cu ochii mintii propriul meu videoclip. Azi, am avut sansa sa-l vad pe cel oficial. Desi versiunea regizorului Iulian Moga este cam departe de cea imaginata de mine, asta nu inseamna ca nu-mi place.
Enjoy the video!
Sursa: Youtube
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